
Reactant (Chain Reaction, #2)

September 5, 2023SusyQ918

Reactant (Chain Reaction, #2)
Author: Aurora Crane
Average Rating: 4.48
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When the chemistry between the five men explodes, the stakes get even higher.

Jericho Rowlands has spent most of his life living under different names, doing the dirty work required to keep Sydney safe. His time as Warren Boiler had put him on a collision course with Sebastian Devlin—the lawyer who kept him out of jail when it all went to hell in a handbasket—and also brings him into contact with the three men who are such an important part of Sebastian’s life. Jericho is only supposed to be keeping Sebastian alive; that’s easier said than done when chemistry like he’s never felt before flares between him and all four men—four men that he definitely shouldn’t want to touch so much.

Quinn, Peyton, Will, and Sebastian have the weight of history and mistakes and missed opportunities between all of them, making an already-complicated situation harder. None of them can deny the magnetic pull holding them together as they try to muddle through what their new normal will look like. Jericho isn’t supposed to be part of it, but they can’t ignore their instant connection with him when he falls into their orbit.

The past has led them to where they are, but the threats of the present could end any chance at a future they might have. Sebastian and “Warren’s” names are on a list, and everyone else on it is dying one by one. Quinn is racing against the clock, and unless he can figure out who’s gunning for them from the shadows, the future they’re fighting for could be out of reach. Quinn and Will are standing on one side of the law, Peyton and Jericho hold the other, but even that might not be enough to keep Sebastian out of the crosshairs.

Reactant is a 100,000-word MMMMM romance that ends in a HFN. It is Book 2 in an ongoing series that follows the same five men and their relationship. It is not a standalone whatsoever and begins directly after the end of Catalyst (Chain Reaction Book 1).

It contains adult situations, gun use, references to murder, suspense themes, and a character with PTSD. Readers’ discretion is advised.

This is an Aurora Crane novel. That means it’s written in third person, there are a myriad of poly characters, it’s a sprawling universe with lots of side characters and cameos, and of course, there’s lots of snarky banter and idiots falling in love.

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Socially inept carebear with sassy tendencies.

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