
The Farm (But We’re Bros!)

December 10, 2023SusyQ918

The Farm (But We’re Bros!)
Author: Heath Grayson
Average Rating: 4.01
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”But then, Buck still was a straight boy, wasn’t he? Ostensibly, at least. And I’d been with more than a few curious straight guys in my past.” – Cody

Running a farm is hard work. Running a farm when I have no idea what I’m doing is even harder. That’s why I plan to sell. After I inherited it, my old friend Buck reached out to offer condolences and help with the farm if needed. My heart stopped when I saw his message as memories of him filled my head.

Buck used to boss me around when we were younger but was never a jerk about it. If anything, I kind of liked it. The last time I saw him was … eye-opening. We had an entire conversation while only his huge farmer’s hand protected his modesty. From what I could tell, there was a lot to protect.

The idea of Buck returning to help me rehab the farm and get it back to its profitable glory is alluring. And terrifying. Broad, muscular frame honed by the land, topped with loose curly hair that grows under his ball cap. His gigantic paws could handle anything or anyone easily. I don’t know what I’m going to do yet. I do know that working with Buck again will be more difficult than just learning how to plow.

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Socially inept carebear with sassy tendencies.

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